Frederic Chanut shared on
Google+ an interesting Google AdWords bug with the keyword tool.

Some are reporting that when you login to your AdWords account and click on the tools drop down and select the keyword tool, Google won't take you to the keyword tool. Instead of Google taking you to the keyword tool, Google is taking you to the new
keyword planner tool.
As you can imagine, this can be frustrating for advertisers and also scary. It might be a sign that Google may replace the keyword tool with the planner tool?
Here is a screen shot of the behavior:
Personally, logged in or out, the keyword tool works and does not redirect me to the planner tool.
I am not sure if this is a sign that the keyword tool will be replaced by the keyword planner or if this is a weird bug upsetting a subset of advertisers?

Author Bio :
Barry Schwartz is the CEO of RustyBrick, a New York Web service firm specializing in customized online technology that helps companies decrease costs and increase sales. Barry is also the founder of the Search Engine Roundtable and the News Editor of Search Engine Land. He is well known & respected for his expertise in the search marketing industry. Barry graduated from the City University of New York and lives with his family in the NYC region. You can follow Barry on Twitter at @rustybrick or on Google + and read his full bio over here.