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Tuesday, 21 May 2013


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Facebook's Promoted Page Likes advertising rolled out globally this week, offering businesses worldwide a simplified way to get more Likes to their Facebook pages.
Here's what you need to know about Promoted Page Likes ads:
  • Initially offered to U.S. businesses in December 2012.
  • These ads invite people to like an organization's official Page on Facebook.
  • Unlike the more sophisticated Facebook advertising, these are more accessible, beginner-type ads.
  • Promoted Page Likes is only available to Pages with a location and profile picture.
  • After purchasing, Facebook creates three different types of advertisements for you that show in desktop and mobile news feeds, and on the right-hand column of Facebook.
  • Ad budgets are limited to the Facebook daily spend options.
  • Location targeting is limited to Facebook users in the city, state or country the Page location is set to.
Keep in mind, the daily budget set will run every day until it's stopped. From Facebook's help center:
"Your daily budget is the maximum amount you're willing to spend each day to promote your Page. For example, if you choose a $10 daily budget and run your promotion for 7 days, you'll be charged up to $70. Each day begins at midnight, so if you start your promotion at 8 p.m., your first day will only last 4 hours before your daily budget resets for the next, full 24-hour day."

Tips for the Facebook Promoted Page Like

Promoted Page Likes are really targeted toward the local business. In order to participate in the ad, the business's location needs to be set on the Facebook Page.
Some categories for Facebook Pages may not allow for a location to be set; for example, if your Page is categorized as a “website or blog.”
The location set for your Page can also affect how many potential Likes you receive with Promoted Page Likes. For example, here is the ad preview for a Facebook Page with a location set to Boulder, Colo.:
And here is an ad preview for that same Page with a location set to Denver:
Also keep in mind that because Facebook is creating the ad for the business, there's less control over the messaging. That means the content displayed in the ad is dynamically generated.

Setting Up the Facebook Promoted Page Like Ad

If your page is eligible for Promoted Page Likes, you'll see the option in the admin panel of your Facebook page. You can access it on the bottom left corner:
How to Access Facebook Promoted Page Like Ads
Then, do the following:
  • Choose the daily budget you wish to spend each day until you cancel the advertisement.
  • Choose the location of the users you wish to target.
And you're done! You can view the ads and their performance at any time in the Ads Manager area on Facebook.