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Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Black Hat SEO Techniques to Avoid

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There are many “SEOexperts” out there who try to convince webmasters that black hat SEO techniques can be effective and long lasting. This is wrong.
Why? Simply because black hat SEO is unethical and can cause you to get banned from search engines. Google will rank your site based on two simple elements:
  1. Content
  2. Back links
If your site has unique content, with the correct relevant keywords and other with quality sites link back to you, your site will be ranked high in the results (SERPS). It is a simple as that… You cannot beat Google. 
Google always finds a way to eliminate spammy tactics, so it is better to make it like you site.
How? Avoid black hat SEO techniques that break search engines rules and regulations.

Top 10 Black Hat SEO Techniques to Avoid
1. No content. Content is king and especially when it is unique. Pages with no content, full of keywords and keyword phrases will not work. This is mainly the reason that your squeeze page is not in SERPS!!

2. Duplicated Content. Google likes unique content and hates spams. Search engine spiders will probably treat your site as spam and ban it from SERPS if it is full of duplicated content.

3. Link Farms. Back links are great only when they come from relevant, high quality websites. Creating useless back links in unrelated, low quality blogs and websites will result you get banned.

4. Doorway and Gateway pages. Doorway pages are “fake” pages invisible to your website visitors which are used in an attempt to “fool” spiders. Google only ranks rich content landing pages accessible to humans, so no reason for a doorway page at all.

5. Unrelated keywords. Choosing the correct keyword and optimize for them can bring you tons of organic traffic, but irrelevant once are totally useless. Let’s assume for example that “free iPods” is a keyword of high demand and low competition and that you can optimize for it. For a while Google will send you traffic. This means that when someone searches for “free iPod” your site will appear in the results, and you will have a visitor but, your site is about Canon Cameras! Can you convert that visitor? Absolutely not… She is looking for a free iPod and you are trying to sell a camera.

6. Blog Spamming. Commenting on blogs is a great way to build back links, but only when the blog is relevant and you have something to contribute to the conversation. Spamming other people blogs using software that generates text full of keywords will get you banned

7. Keyword Stuffing. This means to use many long keywords and repeat then again and again. Google hates keyword stuffing and it will flag your site as spam.

8. Pingback Spam. Pingback spam is to notify ping servers several times per day/hour/minute and give the illusion that the content is new, when it is not. Users will report you in no time.

9. Social Networking Spam. Finding targeted people and send the spam messages about your site/product is consider social networking spamming. No-one likes spam and thus user will report before you get any traffic.

10. Track bank spam. Track bank spam is to abuse trackbacks with links to irrelevant topics and/or websites. Link back only to relevant and legitimate sources.
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